
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Whole World Disappeared

I have been reading The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD which is a fascinating look at trauma and PTSD through a neuroscience lens. The author was involved in the first PTSD studies through Harvard in the early 80s and he co-founded the  National Child Traumatic Stress Network in 1999. I am still processing a lot of the neuro aspects (boy does my frontal lobe needs some fine tuning), and I’m about to start reading the final section which guides you through the healing process.  Before starting that final section, I’d like to share quoted excerpts about trauma and childhood sexual abuse that really stuck with me, to the point that I marked up a book for the first time in years.  (As much as I would like to react to  these quotes, that would take forever and would be quite draining. I think I should choose a few and write about them when I’m ready.)  What has stuck with me the most? In the most simplistic terms, trauma basically rewires your brain...